ICSE Geography Class 7 Syllabus

The syllabus consists of seven themes - (i) Representation of Geographical Features, (ii) Atmosphere, (iii) Weather and Climate, (iv) Weathering and Soil Formation, (v) Industries, (vi) Energy and Power Resources, and (vii) Study of Continents: Europe, Africa, Australia, Antarctica.


Theme 1: Representation of Geographical Features

Use of colours on Topographical sheets

  • Blue - Water body
  • Red - Settlements
  • Yellow - Agriculture
  • Brown - High relief
  • Green - Forests

Use of scales for measurement: types of scales (representative fraction, linear scale).

Measuring distance on the map using scales (straight line, curved line).

Conventional signs & symbols (based on topographical sheets of Survey of India).

Theme 2: Atmosphere


Composition of the Atmosphere

Structure of the Atmosphere (brief description of Troposphere, Stratosphere (ozone layer), Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere).

Green House Effect: meaning and causes.

Global warming:

  • Introduction
  • Causes of ozone depletion (Greenhouse gases, deforestation, burning of fossil fuels);
  • Impact of global warming (Melting of Ice caps & sea level rise, changing patterns of distribution of precipitation and temperature, etc.)

Ways to reduce global warming (in general).

Theme 3: Weather and Climate


Elements of Weather:

  • Temperature
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Humidity
  • Precipitation (rain, dew, hail, snow)
  • Winds
  • Cloud (different types)

Difference between Weather and Climate.

Weather Instruments:

  • Thermometer
  • Rain gauge
  • Barometer
  • Hygrometer
  • Anemometer and wind vane

(Brief explanation with diagrams)

Isohytes and Isotherms - meaning and diagrams only.

Theme 4: Weathering and Soil formation

  • Types of rocks (igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary): formation with examples
  • Weathering: meaning; factors affecting weathering
  • Types of weathering (mechanical, chemical, biological): brief explanation; soil formation as a result of weathering;
  • Soil profile; importance of soil conservation, methods of soil conservation.

Theme 5: Industries

  • Introduction
  • Need for industries in the world.
  • Types of industries: large scale, small scale, cottage industries; agro based industries.
  • Factors related to establishment of an industry.
  • Important industries of the world: Iron and Steel, Cotton Textile, Information Technology, Sugar Industry, ship building, fishing, automobile; important centres of these industries and their location on world map.
  • Pollution due to industries and its prevention.

Theme 6: Energy and Power Resources

  • Introduction: sources of energy; renewable and non-renewable energy resources
  • Renewable Energy Sources (Solar Power, Hydro-Power and Wind Power).
  • Non-renewable Energy Sources (coal and petroleum).
  • Hydroelectric projects: names of the major hydroelectric power projects in India with the names of the river and the state in which they are located. Locating on a map.
  • Conservation of energy and power resources.

Theme 7: Study of Continents: Europe, Africa, Australia and Antarctica

Europe, Africa, Australia

  • Introduction
  • Location
  • Boundaries
  • Political divisions (countries with capitals)
  • Major Physical features
  • Locating the above on the world map.

Case Studies

  • Tourism in Switzerland (Europe)
  • Cocoa cultivation in Ghana (Africa)
  • Sheep rearing in Australia (or any other)

Antarctica - the uninhabited continent

  • Location
  • Boundaries
  • Climate
  • Human void zone