ICSE Computer Studies Class 7 Syllabus

The syllabus consists of seven chapters - (i) Computer - Hardware Components, (ii) Number System - An Introduction, (iii) Computer Virus, (iv) Ethics and Safety Measures in Computing, (v) Spreadsheets - An Introduction, (vi) Database and DBMS - An Introduction, and (vii) HTML - Advanced Features.


1. Computer - Hardware Components

  • Computer Hardware: external and internal hardware;
  • Brief explanation with examples of hardware and some of its parts (CPU, Disk drives, Power supply (SMPS), Motherboard, Ports, Modem, peripheral devices (keyboard, mouse, pen drive, scanner, printer etc.).

2. Number System - An Introduction

  • Introduction to Number system: need for number systems and examples of various number systems.
  • Digits and bases of different number systems.
  • Represent value in different number systems (Decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal number system).
  • Conversions from decimal to binary and vice versa.

3. Computer Virus

  • Definition and example of computer virus.
  • Types of Virus (boot sector and program file virus - definition and examples).
  • Virus symptoms and harm caused by virus.
  • Antivirus - definition and examples.
  • Ways to prevent a virus (e.g. scanning pen drive, and CDs, downloading only from secured sites, updating of antivirus regularly etc.).
  • Definition and example of forms of virus attack (malware, worm, spyware, Trojan horse, sweeper).

4. Ethics and Safety Measures in Computing

  • Advantages and disadvantages of using internet.
  • A brief introduction to ethics in computing.
  • Unethical practices prevalent in the society, related to internet:
    • Plagiarism
    • Cyber bullying
    • Hacking
    • Phishing
    • Spamming
    • Individual right to privacy
    • Software Piracy
    • Intellectual property rights
  • Meaning and a brief explanation of the different unethical practices stated above along with the preventive measures.
  • Safety Measures to be taken while using the computer and internet. Parental assistance for minors, such as - viewing age appropriate websites, keeping strong password, not sharing passwords, frequently changing passwords, responding to emails only from known person or organisation etc. Protection using Firewall (meaning and a brief explanation).
  • Digital footprints (meaning and sensitising children about it.)

5. Spreadsheets - An Introduction

  • Features of spreadsheet and its advantages.
  • Components of Spreadsheet window: workbook and worksheet, sheet tab, cell, cell address, active cell, formula bar, row, column, name box.
  • Entering data in a spreadsheet
  • Types of data (number, string and formula).
  • Perform calculations.
  • Enter simple formulae.
  • Select cells.
  • Change cell contents.
  • Use Undo and Redo features.
  • Insert and deleting columns and rows.
  • Copy and move data.
  • Use autofill feature.

6. Database and DBMS - An Introduction

  • Meaning of Database and DBMS.
  • Uses of database with examples.
  • Create and Save a database.
  • Primary Key.
  • Querying a Database.

7. HTML - Advanced Features

  • Create lists (<OL>, <UL>).
  • Insert Images in web pages <img src>.
  • Insert links <a href>, tables <tr>, <td>, <table>.
  • Display objects through <Marquee>.
  • Create forms using <form> tag.